
The Bradley Method



The Bradley Method® classes are a 12 week series of classes that cover everything from pregnancy discomforts and comfort measures and baby development during pregnancy to labor and what to expect in the different stages of labor, what are the different stages of labor, how to bring comfort to the laboring mother during this time with the use of relaxation, counter pressure, and breathing, all the way to delivery: how to push, breath and varies pushing positions. As well as breastfeeding and postpartum care, plus much, much more.

Like any event you want to prepare as best as possible and labor and delivery is no different. If you knew you were running a marathon in 9 months would you sit back and do nothing or would you train and prepare? If you were giving a presentation to a room full of people would you watch tv every night doing nothing in preparation or would you be studying and preparing for that presentation? If you knew your life would be changing drastically in 9 months would you do nothing to prepare for that change coming, learning all you could about that day and trying to prep yourself for any and every possible outcome? I’m here to help get mom and her partner, AKA coach, prepared for the race, presentation day, birth-day!

Classes are held in the evenings from 7pm – 9pm, meeting once a week for 12 weeks and are kept small (4 or less couples per class).

Class cost is $350 per couple which includes an online workbook, nutritional help for pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum, unlimited makeup classes for all virtual classes, one free makeup class for in-person classes, a starter kit for your hospital bag/birth-day bag, and 24 hour phone access to me once labor starts for any questions.

Private Bradley™ classes are available at $450 per couple for the complete 12 week course including everything listed in the group classes.

I am happy to work within any budget so please contact me for more information on payment plans and/or discounts. My goal is to help educate parents on what birth can be like and help them have the best experience possible.

I will teach you essential relaxation techniques, provide well documented research, educate you on the labor and delivery process, and give you the confidence you need to have the birth you desire.