
My Birth Stories

  • Since we felt so blessed to have two little ones we once again thought there was no way we could have another.  We had prayed for another baby since our miscarriage and we were certain God was just blessing us with two.  It was February......

  • Since it took us so long to have one baby we figured we couldn’t have another so we took no precautions in preventing additional babies.  It was February 2016 and a blizzard had just hit our city hard.  We were outside shoveling snow when my......

  • Each story however starts with the fact that my husband and I tried for years to conceive and after two years of trying we finally saw that positive on the pregnancy test and had it confirmed with the doctor.  We shouted from the rooftops to......


  • First let me start with what a doula is exactly and then explain the value a doula can bring to your labor and delivery journey.              A birth doula is a professional, non-judgmental birth supporter that encourages and supports the birthing mother and/or the partner. ......

  • I can’t count how many times I was asked “are you going to cloth diaper or use disposable”.  The “disposable” always came out with a bit a grimace and snooty look like how dare I even consider disposable.  Now granted I’m a pretty hippie, down......

Birth Stories from a Doula’s Prospective

  • This particular couple took my Bradley™ class and it was my smallest class since I had started my teaching.  It was just them 🙂 They were very easy to talk to and they took in the information so well.  They connected with each other on......

  • I had just finished up one of my Bradley™ series and received a phone call from a student and her husband expressing interest into hiring me as their doula because their midwife highly suggested they have a doula at their home birth.  I’m always happy......

  • This client was a second time mom whose husband encouraged her to seek out a doula to help him support her better.  They both wanted a better experience than their first birthing experience and they just so happen to know a friend of theirs that......

  • The text came in as I was preparing the kids a mid-morning snack.  “My blood pressure is high and my fluid is low, they are pushing for induction”.  My client was 40 weeks but really wanted to go into labor spontaneously.  I asked her some......

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